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my aggresive alexandrine

22 17:58:31

Hi there we've been having a bit of trouble with our alexandrine our has a big cage plenty of different toys yet the second you turn around shes climbing the curtains and demolishes the curtain hooks. She has been allowed to sleep on top of her cage rather than inside and im pretty sure she thinks she rules the roost. I was wondering if there was any advice you can give me to help me show her whats right? I would really appreciate your help as i worry my flatmates will use the wrong type of discipline. Thankyou so much for your time.

Unfortunately, parrots are very destructive animals and they don't do this to show you they "rule the roost" or anything like that. They feel more secure high up and they love to explore (why she climbs the curtains)... and parrots love to chew and have a natural need to do so (why she chews the curtain hooks). Sometimes the wood on bird toys can be very hard, and the birds like chewing up softer woods they might find in your home. This behavior wouldn't be caused by aggression or dominance (as the subject of your question suggests).

I would recommend moving her cage so that she can't reach the curtains, and keeping her wings trimmed (so that she can't fly up there). This will be your best bet for stopping her from continuing this behavior. Also- do you have a playpen for her (separate from her cage). Birds would fly miles everyday in the wild- sometimes just getting them away from their cage can help improve their behavior. Focus their attention on positive chewing items, try to distract her from items like the curtain hooks. Punishing her will not help the situation- since she is only doing what comes naturally. Here are some articles online that should be able to help you further: You Can't Punish.htm

I hope this helps.
