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budgie chicks

23 9:33:13

how old should budgie chicks be before you start handling them?  I an letting the parents feed the chicks but i want them to be hand tamed.

As soon as the chicks start to get their pin feathers you can start handling them. I recommend waiting until they start getting pin feathers because they are usually 2 to 3 weeks old by that point and can hold their own a little bit better (than very young, naked chicks can). And of course, make sure to wash your hands very well before handing the babies so that your hands are very clean/sanitary.

The babies won't be able to actually perch on your finger and learn the step up command until they are coming out of the nest box and perching on the branches (I believe they will start doing that around 5 ro 6 weeks, but it might be as early as 4... I can't remember exactly).

I hope this helps.
