Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > health(budgies)


23 9:32:59

i bought bird(6 budgies) 3 dayz back.budgies  are know for ther loud noises but my bird only make noise before eating or drinking, rest of the day they  are very quit, usually napping.i dont see any visible health problem.I brought it frm a vendor which is 45 mins from my place in a paper bag.Is ther behaviour because of the stress or they need time to adjust in new cage is 3ft long, 2.3ft in ht,and 1.5ft in width.What can i do to make them feel secure.Of as i said they r napoping through the day ,should i go for meditions.i saty in mumbai(india),near my plc i dont find any vets nearby.Can u recommed me some helpfull MEDICINE so that i can save them untill i find a good vet near my plc.


Budgies (also known as Parakeets in the United States) who are native to Australia, are not known for being loud birds. In fact, they are known as being one of the quieter species of parrot. But, it does greatly concern me that they are sleeping most of the day. This is not a good sign. Please get them to a vet asap. They need to do testing to find out what is wrong. If there are no vets (who are knowledgable about birds), I would recommend getting some antibiotics for them. (This will help if there is a bacterial infection going on, but will not help for viruses). Doxycycline is a commonly used antibiotic for birds in the U.S.

I hope this helps, and good luck with these guys.
