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roudybush pellets (gone to dust)

22 17:41:20

why does roudybush pellets go to dust like the bird seed does? its almost like a podwer? does that get tossed out like the bird seed does when its like that or will my tiel bite the dust? i have heard alot about roudybush before i bought it, but nobody ever mentioned this. your answer is always appreciated.

Hi there,

Thanks for the question.

I don't use Roudybush pellets, in fact, I don't even know that they are available in this country. I haven't looked.

However, I don't think it is the brand of pellets your using. It happens to Harrisons too. What I think it is, is the amount that you are putting in the bowl at one time. It will happen if you put lots in. Try putting less in the bowl at a time. This keeps the food fresher and more tasty for your bird. Only put enough in for a day. The dust that is there when you have put allot of food in the bowl, is however many days worth of grinding up the food and will be stale and not very tasty. If you only have a little bit in there, they will more than likely not mind eating the dusty bits at the end.

Hope this helps.
