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Aggressive Male Budgie

23 9:32:34

I have two budgies, one male and one female. The male one has always been the dominant one, for example when I refill the food dish he always eats first rebuffing the female's attempts.

Recently however he seems to be becoming more aggressive towards the female. He pecks at her more (never drawing blood though) and they stare each other down more and for no obvious reason. I was wondering if there was any reason for concern for this behavior.

Hi, Ryan.  Thanks for posting.

With no other details provided, I'd say your male is trying to tell his mate that it's breeding time (and it's starting to be that time of year)!  

The male's behavior with the food is normal behavior.  Most males in a pair-bonded situation eat first; not always, but usually when they are the only 2 birds in the cage.

Usually when the male starts pecking at the female he's trying to tell her to go to nest.  She won't unless you have a nestbox available for her to lay eggs in, unless she lays eggs at the bottom of the cage (or in something else suitable in the cage).  When/if her cere (the area above the nostrils) turned dark brown and becomes crusty looking, this means she's in breeding condition.

I don't think you have anything to worry about here, as far as the male hurting the female.  If he starts to draw blood, then you would need to separate them.

