Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > QUESTION ABOUT COMPATIBILTY.


22 17:34:15

Hi! Im writing to you today because im curious to know which bird i should choose as a companion for my 1 year old male quaker parakeet. i'am not interested in getting another quaker and was more interested in getting either a blue crown conure or an indian ringneck parakeet. im confused on which to choose and wanted to know what you think. I'am planning to house them in different cages of course but right next to each other. My quaker has his wings clipped and i leave him loose to roam his cage and was planning on doing the same with the new one. Please help me! Thank you!

Choosing a bird as a companion to another bird is never a good idea. It will take months, and sometimes years to even allow them to interact with each other peacefully, and caging together is almostr always either fatal or many injuries occur.
Quakers are very cage territorial birds, and usually will not even interact with their own species. I would reconsider adding a friend for your bird.