Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Temperature


22 17:46:36

Is it ok to keep a bird in a room with the temperature between 68 and 70 (and of course no drafts) or should it be kept warmer?  Also, when feeding fresh vegetables, how long can the vegetables be kept in the cage before throwing them out?

Thank you.

Hello Karen and thank you for your post.
68 to 70 degrees should be fine for your birds.  The basic rule of thumb is that if you are comfortable, your birds are probably comfortable too (I like to keep my house between 70-75 degrees, but I freeze in 100 degree weather...haha).
As for the vegetables, they should be removed out of the cage after about 2 hours.  Any longer than that and bacteria will start growing and that can make your bird sick or worse.

Good luck and God Bless.