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baby parakeet

22 17:50:32

I have 4 baby parakeets two of which have feathers and are kinda big but I have not seen them eat alone yet. The other 2 are early growing feathers and don't eat by them self yet I don't know what to feed them or how to feed them
There parents flew out of the cage not I do have some older ones that use to be all caged together but I had to place the newborns in with the parents by themselves due to the other birds attacking the babies. It's one day now and don't know what to do  

Hi, Margie.  Thanks for posting!

How old are the babies?  Do you mean the parents flew away and you can't find them at all to put them back with their babies?  In what and how are you housing the 4 baby keets?  I need as much information about this situation as you can provide.

If the parents are now gone, you'll need to handfeed these babies using baby parrot handfeeding formula and a handfeeding syringe.  Do you know anything about this?  If not, you have a WHOLE LOT to learn really quickly so these babies won't die...they can't go for more than a day without being fed, and a day is too long.  Visit my website for basic information:

Let me know.  Thanks.
