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safe material for cage

22 17:38:28

hi ,
i have a cocketiel n i want to make a bigger cage for it. I wanted to know if aluminium is a safe material for parrots. Also my cocketiel's beak is flaky. Right now she is  on a grain diet( it is  n  like the millet(bajra) but much smaller in shape n is called ralla(in india ) i dont know the english name). She also eats green peas, spinach, corn, lettuce. She dosent eat other vegetables or fruits. I also tried giving her sunflower seeds & flax seeds but she dosent eat them. is the falking due to a vitamin defeciency & what shud i feed it . Please advise.
thank you,

Aluminium is not safe to use for parrots, only because they can chew it, causing it to bend.

I would take the bird to a vet if his beak is flaky..not much info was given so I cannot tell. But here is some info on what cockatiels can eat...

Hope this helps and good luck!