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Life span of parakeets

23 9:34:31

Hello Angel,

I have inherited of parakeet from one of my daughters friends and I really don't know much about them.  We have had several large parrots in the past so I know they live for 75 years or so but I have no idea about parakeets.  What is the life span of a parakeet?  Thanks


There are different opinions on the life span of parakeets, some people say they can live up to 14 or 15 years. In my own experience about 8 or 9 years has been the norm.

To keep a parakeet happy all you need to provide is plenty of room, some mirrors, and a chance to fly once a day. Also, they love fresh veggies, especially lettuce and the leafy green tops on carrots.

If you  have any more questions I will be happy to try and help. Good luck with your new pet!
