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Pellet food

23 9:32:06

Hi Tara!
I have successfully switched my 9 month old tiel and my 10 and 12 week old tiels from seed to the Kaytee Exact conversion and weaning food. i am considering while they still have some left buying a bag of the natural Kaytee exact original to mix in with theirs and switch them in time to that. are the younger tiels beaks hard enough to have the regular and not the conversion kind? They arent fond of the red pieces as those are the only ones left in their cups! hahah and neither am i, it makes their stool reddish which scares me. :) any suggestions or feedback would be gr8ly appreciated!
Thx, Amanda  

Hello Amanda and thank you for your questions, And congrats on converting to pellets. I do reccomend trying to get them on the exact orginal, there beaks are hard enough for them even at this age. I reccomend getting all used to fresh veggies/fruit now as well it will greatly inprove there well being.