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budgie mate

22 17:41:04

Hi there Charotte-I have an almost-8-yr-old budgie who has been alone since we bought him @ 6wks; is he too old to introduce another budgie into his cage? It's a huge cage so space isn't a worry, we are concerned he may fight or be jealous of the new bird. Thank you

Hi there,

It is not too late to introduce a budgie at all. Just do it a little slowly. Have the new birds health checked over by a vet and keep it in a separate room until you get the all clear. You wouldn't want an illness introduced to your new bird.

A budgie lives for about 7 years on average, some live until 13. Maybe think about how attached your new bird could get to your current one and how upset it would be once yours passes on. it's just a though, but if your bird is happy after so long on its own, does it really need a cage mate? Maybe wait until such day as when you have no budgies, and get a pain of similar ages from different places so they aren't related.

Hope this helps a little? Let me know your thoughts.
