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23 9:32:29

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i have a cross goffin umbrella who even at 10 months old has still not stopped taking milk substitute ive tried to cut the food down but to no avail when he has been fed he will eat other food ( seeds fruit pellets etc ) after but if i try to cut out the milk he does not stop screaming and does not eat any ideas

Hi Kim,

This is a common occurance with cockatoos, and a good reason why breeders should not sell their birds unweaned (in CA, it recently became illegal to sell unweaned baby birds because of problems like and worse that can arise).

And I think you meant hand-feeding formula, which is specificially made for baby birds... not milk. (I just have to clarify, because milk is not good for birds).

It is not uncommon for cockatoos to take a year or so to fully wean.

Here are some articles that should help you:

I also highly recommend you check out:  They have a wonderul chat board, and people might be able to help you there. Many of the people on this website have taken in older cockatoos with issues and might know of solutions to help you with yours. ( is the direct link to the chat rooms)

I hope this helps.

I would also highly recommend discussing this with your avian vet.

I hope this helps.
