Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Paint!


22 17:50:36

My lovebirds were chewing on painted wood! It wasn't wet paint or anything but it was still paint! I stopped them as soon as I caught them. I called the vet but their closed!
Is this deadly? I don't think they ate any but I don't know! What can I do!


Yes, this can be deadly. However, if your vet is closed, I would just monitor them very closely. If they start showing any changes in behavior or any symptoms of illness, you will need to take them to a 24 emergency clinic.

However, if they are acting fine, and a couple of hours has passed already- they will probably make it through fine. Although, it would still be recommended to call the vet in the morning when they open to speak with them about the situation.

Good Luck- I hope they are ok!
