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what now WDOVE.

22 17:50:36

Hi again! I would love to keep them but my husbands family keeps insisting I release them, that they are meant for my mother in law and not to be my pets. I'd like to know how to find them a good home. I already had a fight with my in laws on the boat,I will explain things to them but I dont think they will listen I'm very well known for bringing home all kinds of strays. My MY family is at a # of 12 but only 3 are human. Thank you again. please help me keep them all happy...     (birds 1st then in laws)
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Hi! My mother in law passed away in Feb. we went to bury her ashes at sea a friend of the family released 4 ring neck doves about 1m. out to sea I asked if they could fly and if they could survive in the wild. to make it short,things got ugly and I came home with 3 birds.They seem to be somewhat tame and 2 have started breading they have laid 4eggs. But now what??? I have birds of my own 1 cockatiel 1 parakeet both tame but the doves seem to be more of what would be a free bird,I'd love to release them,when ,where, if posible I wont risk the life of aney animal just for show thank you 4 your time...
Hello...I'm sorry to hear about your step my please except my condolances. These birds can NOT live in the wild I would like to ring people who realease pet doves on weddings necks sure the birds flying off look beautiful but they will die shortly thereafter because they do nt no how to find food in the wild and tempratures can drop lower then they can handle quite quickly...also tame birds wouldnt expect there to be stray cats or dogs watching there every move. as long as the hen is sitting on the eggs theres isnt anything more you can do but wait, dove eggs take around 2 weeks to hatch, here is a link with informatiopn on basics of ringneck doves and some breeding information as well: scroll down the page when you get there to find the ring neck dove information.

Ringneck doves are more of a look but dont touch pet sure they can be finger tamed and handled but they can be hy birds that dont want to be bothered as well, I have one once he was a beautiful pied with plenty of cinnamon splashes of color on him, he was nice enough to let me pick him up after having him out of his cage for awhile but would try peck my fingers...he wouldnt step onto my fingers ither I eventually gave him to a wonderful family who was said to have a large avaiary in there living room with finches and button quail and i knew he would be happier there. Do the birds a huge favor and allow them to fly free inside the home a few times a week it will lift there spirits and they are beautiful in flight but be sure to keep doors closed/windows shut and all fans OFF, you can clip ring necks wings....I had mine partly clipped for sometime...this way he could still get around but wasnt in danger of flying into things, Also if you are using a tall cage you would never want to fully clip there wings as doves do not climb cage bars to reach food/water/perches and there nesting spots they flutter or full out fly to them. I don't reccomend bothering the cage to much right now you can take the spare bird out and partly clip his wings and tame him but leave the paretns to there nest. Also soft billed birds could use some bird grift or gravel in  there seeds as doves/finches/canaries(soft billed birds)  dont hull there seeds(like cocaktiels and budgies/lovebirds these hull there seeds making quite a mess while eatting!) but swollow them whole and the gravel/grift is said to be good at helping the birds grind the food within the gullet or something of that but it bluntly I offered my dove gravel with his seeds and my finches I have previusly as well. Doves are also dusty birds you might look into a small air purrifier for the room there in for your safe and from my erperaince they are as dusty as cocaktiels but there is more dust as they are larger. Doves should be kept in large cages if they are not allowed to come out of there cages several times weekly, a nice homemade avairy thats about 4/5 feet tall-3/4 feet long and 2/3 feet deep would suit three birds very nicely...if you plan to keep chicks do take this into conideration if you decide to make a indoor avairy as it will need to be larger overall. Doves are easy to keep overall and have quite a nice tune, Best of luck with your doves your sure to enjoy there company, if you need help with anything else dont hesitate to ask.

Hello, I understand why they could be upset but they needed to know also that is releasing these poor inacent doves they were killing them now how is that a good way to put the past at rest...killing these poor birds...honestly if they are released they will die and pet bird will die when released as they get used to having there food brough to them there waty being right ther all the time and as such dont know how to look for food/water sources in the wild also as mentioned before if the temps dip to low they will freeze outside. I myself have alot of odd animals as well lol so know exactly where your comnig from. You can arrange to place an ad in locle newspapers, call locale petshops.... dont expect to much for them...these are beautiful birds but not really tame or cuddly like hand fed baby parrots such as cockatiels/lovebirds. You can also place internet ads on sites locale to your city/town. You already have them now so whats the difference they gave them to you from the boat and theree lifes have been spared sadly you couldnt get all four.... it would be nice to say the fourth is doing fine and happy but hes likely died of starvation or freezeing temprtures. I've given you about all the advice i can this subject but if you need more help with caring for the birds I'll be here...good luck.