Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Dove


23 9:29:13

Yes, he/she does have red eyes!  And no leg band.  Its parents were staying around for a couple of days, and we'd let it out to see and try to go with them.  They finally gave up on it, and left.  
Another question--it has lost all of its tail feathers, but seems very healthy otherwise (eats, drinks, bathes, etc.).  Anything further we could/should be doing for it?
I'll try to check the "roundness" of its head, so I can quit calling it "it".
Thanks again for your help!

Followup To

Question -
Wondering how you can tell the gender of an albino dove?  And, would he/she be better off if we were to get a mate--I understand they usually have one.  We found it in our yard, with not enough strenth to fly and no nest in sight.  Seems to be eating, drinking, and socially-adapting to our small family quite well.  Thinks it's a parrot when out--usually prefers sitting on my shoulder.
Thanks for any helpful advice you could offer!

Answer -
Hi, Tracy.  Thanks for posting!

Are you sure this bird is an albino dove and not a white homing pigeon (or could this bird be a regular white dove)?  An true albino bird would have red eyes.  Does the bird wear a leg band?  

Whether you should get a mate for this bird depends on what your intentions are for the bird.  If you want baby doves, then a mate is in order!  If you don't want babies, DO NOT get a mate, as doves/pigeons are quite prolific.  The bird would likely prefer a mate, but this is how mother nature works!  You need to make the decision according to your lifestyle and desires.

Gender - male's heads are more square/flat on the top, whereas a female's is rounded.  Female doves/pigeons just look feminine, i.e., they have more dainty features, may be smaller than a male.  A cock bird will drag it's spread tail on the ground when courting a female.  A female's tail won't drag the ground.  When eggs/babies are present, the female will sit at night...the male during the day.  If it lays an egg, it's a female!  This is just about all you can use to determine gender.

If this bird has a leg band, if you could provide the information on the band, I could help locate the owner.  This could be a white homing pigeon that has lost it's way during a race or while in training.


Hi again, Tracy.

With red eyes, it's a true albino.  With no leg band and since you know it's history, then it's a wild pigeon or mourning dove.  Loss of tail feathers might help explain why it didn't leave with the parents...tail feathers act as rudders for birds and perhaps it couldn't fly well enough.  The loss of tail feathers is likely due to molting, unless someone or some other animal yanked on them and pulled them out (easy to do on a bird) or s/he got them stuck somewhere.  You should be feeding this bird pigeon grain (or wild bird food if you can't find pigeon grain).

Pigeons/doves can actually make nice pet birds, as they don't make much noise if at all and can't bite!  I've trained several pigeons to come to me on command and to roost/defecate in specific locations inside my home so they didn't make messes everywhere.

By "roundness of head" I meant that in a male bird, the top if it's head is kind of flat, whereas in a female, the top of the head will be round.  Otherwise, it's difficult for a novice to identify sex, unless the bird lays an egg!
