Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > my cockatiel is NOT growing its tail

my cockatiel is NOT growing its tail

22 17:46:39

my cockatiel is 8 mounths old, and he still dosn't have a tail. sometimes he just starts digging at his tail feathers. what is causeing this? I know he is not borded because I've got him lots of toys and i play with him very often. he even picked out a blood feather and he bleed a little! does he have a disease?

P.S. thanks!

Hello Daniel and thank you for posting!
It is possible that he has a parasite.  You should consult with a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet to be sure that he doesn't.
I have a female that, when she was a baby, she would not only pick her tail feathers out, she would break them off when climbing around her cage.  Once she hit about a year old, her tail didn't seem to get in the way as much and now she has all of her tail feathers.  

Good luck and God Bless.