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Hairline Crack on Beak of Conure Parrot

22 18:00:35

My conure parrot appears to have a hairline fracture of the upper beak that starts on the right, lower edge of the beak and goes upalmost to the "hump" of the beak.  I was told that this fracture will heal naturally, but I am wondering if this is true.  What do you thik I should do?  

If I take her to an avian vet all he  will say is, right the beak is fractured (or not), but what can he actually do or recommend do if it is indeed a fracture?


Hi, Feliciano.  Thanks for posting!

It's possible and likely this "fracture" could heal naturally, however, how do you know this is only a hairline fracture and not something more?  It could look like a hairline fracture on the outside, but be more extensive on the inside.  Is the bird having any trouble eating, drinking, or breathing?

You're avian vet might tell you what you already believe to be true.  But, what if it's more serious?

I recommend you visit an avian vet just to be on the safe side with something like this.
