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Bird Claws

22 17:42:01

Hi i know you said you were not an expert on budgies, but the parrot guy is on vacation. Its about budgie claws. a post said that you can clip budgie claws with just a pair of fingernail clippers. So my mum and i did so but our budgie was squirming and squawking and we had to chase him around the house numerous times. Is there anything i can do to make the next time easier so my budgie is not scared or throwing a tantrum.

Hi, Erik,

I found your post in the question pool this morning.  For some reason, the person you sent your post originally to could not answer.

Your bird will most likely always be frightened of this procedure.  This is because you evidently have to hold your bird around its body in order to restrain the bird to trim the nails.  Some tame birds will sit calmly on a person's finger and allow this procedure to be performed.  I think it depends on how much a bird trusts its human.  Also, if a bird has had bad prior experiences with this, the bird will be scared.  

I can recommend 2 things when you have to do this procedure on your bird:  (1) Restrain the bird GENTLY in a wash cloth, hand towel, etc., (this will help keep you from being biten too much and keep the bird still) and clip the nails as quickly as you can being careful not to hit the vein running through the nails (this will result in some bleeding, which you will need to control by using pressure and/or baking flour or similar on the end of the nail). (2) Take your bird to a bird vet or parrot breeder or someone else experienced at clipping a bird's toenails.  

When doing this yourself at home, it helps to have someone restrain the bird and the other person do the trimming.  If/when the bird shows signs of too much stress, panting, etc., release the bird for a few minutes, and then begin again.  The best way to accomplish this is to get it all done quickly in one attempt.  Be cautious when restraining a bird so as not to injure the bird's neck, wings, and do not hold a bird too tightly around its chest.  A bird doesn't have a diaphragm like we do, so their chest has to be able to move in and out or the bird can't breathe.  If restrained too tightly, a bird will die within a few minutes.
