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Cocktiel given to me about 6 years old

22 17:42:01

I was given a Cocktiel about 6 years old. He seems to ok but I don't know what his diet was. He really likes the
seed millet spray, thats all they ever feed him. He's starting to bite himself really bad, and feathers are starting to come out, I've had him for about a month. I don't know if they ever bath him or ever clipped his nails as they are really long, not imbeded but long. He's really a cool bird. This is a totally new enviroment for the bird.Do you have any suggestions,

Hello Carol,

Your question was sent to the question pool so I am answering it for you.

Your bird is showing symptoms of an illness and does not seem healthy to me. Your bird needs to be seen by your avian veterinarian immediately.

Due to the the symptom of feather plucking/self mutilation several tests will be needed to help determine the cause.

At a minimum these tests should be done;
1. Avian Blood Panel (level 2 or 3 - the most complete one offered.)
2. Crop and cloacal swap
3. Fecal
4. Psittacosis

In addition have a lengthy discussion with your avian veterinarian about your bird's nutritional needs. A seed based diet is not a healthy diet for any parrot. This would cause malnutrition and could be one reason for the feather plucking. The blood tests will help determine if this diet has caused any organ damage.

Best wishes,
