Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > budgie parakeet

budgie parakeet

22 17:48:55

QUESTION: The top of her beak (the feather part) is a little flakey.  Is this a sign of something?  Also, I have received a multiple of recommendations for her diet.  Can you give me a good diet?  Thank you
Her name is Pretty
ANSWER: Hello Again,

The flaking you see on Pretty's beak would be like a snake shedding it's skin when it grows. THIS IS A GOOD THING!:>)

I don't think there really is one set diet to follow. You will have to try a large variety of foods to see which ones Pretty will eat. Soft foods could be steamed broccoli, shredded carrot, diced apple, banana, and if you do a search on the Internet for birdie breads you will find dozens of recipes to cook a very healthy bread that she could eat. With all of these foods you could sprinkle a little multivitamin or high protein powder to Pretty a little boost.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Wayne.  I went away for a week and left her with family where she was taken good care. She has never been away from me.  Since then, she has been aggressive.  Her affectionate kissing and nibbling on me has turned out to be more biting.  I don't think she mean's to hurt me.  I am wondering if she is trying to get more attention.  Thoughts? Also, she is building a nest inbetween a potted tree and is eating the dirt which has made her stools very large and dark.  Is any of this normal?


Her agressiveness is prob from stress of being left with others. Even though they haven taken good care of her, she was still out of her comfort zone not to mention she missed you.

Eating dirt is ok, birds in the wild do this to get the minerals they need. BUT eating dirt from a potted plant could be bad. What is the source of this dirt? If it is store bought this could be bad because potting soil is treated with chemicals.

Hope this helps
