Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Baby Budgie

Baby Budgie

22 17:58:22

Hi, My budgies recently gave birth to a baby budgie. After about 3 weeks, they attacked the baby budgie, so we had to seperate it. It was and still is constantly sleeping with its head turned into its wings, and is never active unless you place your hand in the cage. It also has 2 black scabby things on either side of its beak, that it has developed recently. Whats wrong with it?

Hi, Uras.  Thanks for posting!

I don't know what's wrong with the baby budgie's beak.  However, it sounds to me like this baby isn't well.  I recommend you get this baby to an avian veterinarian ASAP for a medical evaluation.  This bird could be in shock or very stressed out and ill from the episode with the parents, which could have resulted in the baby becoming ill.
