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22 17:36:33

I have recently purchased an Umbrella Cockatoo.  I am aware of several household hazards concerning birds.  My question is about our wood burning fireplace.  What precautions do I need to take to keep my bird healthy and still be able to use our fireplace?  Her cage is 13 feet from the fireplace.  

As it is an indoor fireplace I would hope you are only using hard woods and not pine. Pine will admit too much smoke. I also have an indoor fireplace, I place my birds (U2,CAG, BG Macaw,IRN,) in a seperate room this time of year just in case of fumes and inhalation. You can use the fireplace, I would definately give them more than a 13 ft area between them and the fire stove. If possible to set up an area in another room away from it would be very beneficial.