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selling young birds

22 17:47:58

This our first batch of young We have 2 When are they ready to be sold, and is there a way to determine the sex of the birds

Hello Thomas and thank you for your post.
Other than a DNA test, there is really no way to tell the sex of a bird unless it actually lays eggs, but if it is something like a cockatiel, one tell-tale sign is a clicking of its beak.  Male cockatiels will click their beaks, while females (at least most of them) do not.  Males will also be more prone to whistle.
Babies are usually weaned at 12-14 weeks old and that is when they can be seperated from the parents.  Be sure that they are eating on their own for at least a week before you sell the babies just to be on the safe side.

Good luck and God Bless.