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lovebird/cockatiel breeding

22 17:49:48

Hi, Good Day. I would really appreciate your help. Thank you very much in advance. I have a two part question, one on lovebirds and another on cockatiels.
1) My Lovebirds have recently laid eggs for the first time. I feed them a staple diet of canary seed, oats and sunflower seeds, supplemented by bread 3 times a week and fruits (mostly apple) every other day. Should i add anything to this diet. If so what?
2) My cockatiels recently laid eggs for the first time as well. They have a similar diet. Anyway my nest box was slightly damaged and it is missing one side, this is where the birds enter and exit. Because of this however, two of the three eggs already laid have fallen and broken (i discarded them). I want to know, what should i/can i do to help this situation and also will she lay any more eggs?
Once again thank you very much...Have a great day.

Hi, Khaleel.  Thanks for posting!

1.  The seeds are OK as long as your birds also have a variety of other foods.  Pelleted food is highly recommended.  The bread could be OK, but it depends on what type of bread it is.  A variety of fruits are also OK, but fruits are high in water content, and some fruits don't have much nutritional value.  I call these types of fruit "fun" food.  Grapes are a good example.  However, melons, even though high in water content, are highly nutritious.  Apples are good, oranges, kiwi, papaya, etc., are all good.  Vegetables are best.  Healthy foods that are nutritious and healthy for humans are also good for birds.  Cooked brown rice is also a good base mix that you can mix other types of foods with and serve to your birds.  Also, offer these foods daily, particularly when your birds have babies to feed.

2.  You'll need to repair the nesting box by adding what is needed to remedy the situation or purchase/make a new nesting box.  She will likely lay more eggs, yes.  
