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sudden death

22 17:49:51

I have or had a grey female cockatiel which died yesterday for no apparent reason, she was feeling a bit cold to the touch for about three days prior to her death, she was my first bird that I hand reared so you can understand that I am feeling very crappy and confused she is 8 months old when she was a chick she did have abnormal bacteria in her poo she was crying all the time thats how I found out about the bacteria the vet gave me antibiotics which helped. please email me a guide for handrearing so that I can see if I went wrong somewhere.


Hello Sam and thank you for posting.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend.  She should've been taken in to a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet as soon as she felt cold.  The weather has been very weird all over, and this is a cause for many birds getting sick.

Here are some links for you to read through.    You'll find them all ver helpful.

Good luck and God Bless.