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budgie bites

22 17:47:43

I've had my bright yellow budgie since last December, and it's been very fun! There is a little shelf beside her cage, with all of her seeds and spray millet in containers. When I feed her she sits at the edge of her cage and watches me. If I get closer to her, or hold her close to my face(which she'll do anyway if she's on my shoulder), she likes to nibble on my nose.  She doesn't Bite my face, and it never hurts, but I'm not sure if that's a kiss sort of thing, or she's trying to bite me! Sometimes, she just puts her beak against my nose, and doesn't nibble, and other time she tries to nibble at my cheeks, too.
  Do you know what she is doing? Does it mean she likes me, or dislikes me?
NOTE- She bites my hands when I take her out, but in a few minutes she's fine, and doesn't bite me a lot. When she does bite hard, I put her back in her cage.

                 Thank you!!! Mii

Hello Mii,

Your bird is preening you just like it would another bird.

It sounds like you are handling the bites to your hands just fine. But you can work towards never being bit. Here is a link to one of my past answers that discusses basic manners (step up) training.

I am concerned about the diet you are feeding our bird. An all seed diet is NOT a healthy diet. It will eventually lead (if it hasn't already) to possible organ failure, heart damage, and a shortened lifespan. Please switch your bird to a healthy diet that consists of pellets, fresh veggies and fruits all given daily, and a very small amount of seed. I also recommend that you take your bird in to your avian veterinarian for a health check and to discuss her diet.

Please continue to learn all you can about parrot care and behavior. My website has links that can help you.
