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pigeon eggs just hatched

22 17:58:42

I have a couple of pigeon eggs with me. the pigeon is nowhere to be of them has just hatched today. others are on the way.i want to try and save those little ones if i can. i was hoping that you would help me in knowing what to do about it.if i have to feed it then what do i give ?  

Hi, Anand.  Thanks for posting!

Are these wild pigeons or domestic pigeons (do you raise pigeons)?  If "others are on the way," are there other pigeon pairs available who could care for this baby?

If you want to handfeed baby pigeons, you need to use some type of handfeeding syringe (this is a syringe without a needle used to handfeed baby birds), eyedropper, or something similar in order to deliver food down the baby's throat.  You'll need to use Kaytee Exact handfeeding formula for baby parrots or some other brand and follow the directions on the back of the package for mixing.  You'll feed this food with the handfeeding syringe or eyedropper or other.  If you can't find the handfeeding formula, you can temporarily use a human liquid nutritional supplement, such as Ensure Plus, to feed the baby.  You can also temporarily use human infant formula.  The food MUST be 102-104 degrees F when FED to the baby.  You must also keep any babies warm (about 98 degrees F) until they have feathers to keep themselves warm.  This is very important as without heat, they can't metabolize their food or stay warm.  It would be best if you could have someone who knows how to handfeed birds show you how to handfeed, as it isn't easy if you've never done it before.  

I know you'll have lots of questions so come back as you need to.
