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bring in a new lovebird

23 9:32:43

I have had my lovebird peetree for a while, about 7 months, about 4 months ago i got a chinchilla and i spent less time with Peetree.  I noticed that he began to pluck alot to the point he got bald spots.  So, under the advancement of some people, i got another lovebird to keep him company while im at work or with the chin.  Unfortunately Peetree does not seem totally happy to have a new friend, sometimes they sit together and share millet... other times they fight over the food dish and Peetree wont let him use some toys or get off the floor of the cage.  How do i get him to share more with his new cage mate, will it just take time... or do i have to separate them?
-big thanks-rebecca

Hi, Rebecca.  Thanks for posting.

Peetree began to pluck himself because you stopped paying as much attention to him/her as you had in the past when you got the chinchilla.  Peetree didn't understand why you stopped paying as much attention to him/her (didn't understand about your new pet) and most likely thought it was something s/he had done wrong, therefore, caused much stress, so s/he started plucking itself (a form of self-mutilation).  

It isn't unusual for 2 birds in the same cage to squabble over things.  Even bonded mates squabble at times.  In addition, it's usually best when introducing a new bird into a home with an existing bird to house them together in a neutral cage.  In order words, sounds like you may have placed the new bird in Peetree's cage and Peetree isn't particularly happy with the stranger invading his territory.  Also, perhaps Peetree doesn't particularly like his/her new cage mate.  Just because we put 2 birds together doesn't mean they are compatible and will like each other (similarly, humans don't always get along with other humans).  It's a risk we take as parrot owners, and if things don't go quite right, it might be possible you will have to separate them.  However, just because they squabble now and again isn't necessarily a reason to separate them into separate cages.  If/when they get to a point where they are hurting each other or drawing blood, then that would be the time to separate them.  I have pairs of birds who've been together for 10 years that still squabble over the food, etc.  It's part of the hierarchy that parrots establish between themselves when there is more than 1 bird to a cage.  Since they seem to be compatible at times, but not others, I'm not sure you have too big a problem at this point!  The biggest problem you're going to have is that with a bird friend, Peetree most likely isn't going to be as friendly to you as you might like.  This is because birds prefer other birds to humans.  If you want a tame parrot, the worst thing you can usually do is bring another parrot into the home.  The best pet parrots are single parrots in the home.  

Perhaps a solution to the problem would be a larger cage, where both will have plenty of area to play, sleep, etc.  You might want to take Peetree's toys out and introduce all new toys so there are no "claims" to the existing toys.  You might need to do the same thing with the perches.  In addition, you might need to keep 2 feed and 2 water dishes (or water bottles) in the cage so both birds have access to both the water and feed (they each have their own feed and water they can call their own).  Think of these 2 lovebirds as 2 young human siblings who fight/argue over their toys and everything else in their "room" who don't want to share with each other and argue endlessly!  I don't think it's necessary to separate them until/unless you see one causing harm to the other.   

Come back if you have additional questions.  Thanks.
