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Female Cockatiel

22 18:00:33

I just got a Female Grey Cockatiel for my birthday and had a few questions.

First, if my female does lay an egg will it hatch?

Second, she stretches her wings awkwardly and constantly- is this normal?

Third, its an average of 65 degrees F in my bedroom, is this a safe temperature for her? And if not what should I do?

Ollie, my Cockatiel, is only 2 months old and was hand fed as a baby. I dont know if any of this information helps you but I thought you might like to know. Thank you so much!


Hello Maya and thank you for your questions,

No the egg wont hatch be ready for eggs when she hits 10 to 12 months thou hen birds kept singely almost always lay infertile eggs...the hen needs a mle to fertilize the eggs befre they are laid so no they will never hatch without a male partner. Its very possible ollie is a male also all baby tiels look like females until they moult the first time at around 6/8 months. THis is very normal she is just streching her wings they do leg strechs with wing streches sometimes...its very awcward looking.