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love bird problem

23 9:34:43

Hello there, i live in puerto rico and have 3 caged lovebirds, one day i  caught a love bird that had escaped from someone else, the feathers are ruffled, the bird is also listless. The stools are a bright green, very watery. Sometimes its stools do not have any green at all in it only clear liquid, i have separated it, and put it in my home . The feathers look fine now but the stool problem persists. since i am in puerto rico the area where i live have no specialists on birds. is there any suggestions you can give me i would appreciate it, oh, the bird is eating fine and drinking water.The bird is acting normal now, Do you think i should put it back with my other 3 healthy birds?  Many thanks for reading god bless mary..........  

Hi, Mary.  Thanks for posting your question.  Before adding any new birds to your collection, you should quarantine them for at least 30 days, whether they see an avian vet or not.  Keep the new addition(s) completely separate from the others, preferably in a location where they do not share the same airflow (at least, keep it in a separate room).  This is because some illness/disease is airborne, i.e., can be transmitted via air.  If the bird is ill, it should show signs within this 30 day period.  Service this bird last so you don't contaminate your other birds, and be sure to wash you hands thoroughly after servicing.  Normally, a bird's droppings are a direct reflection of what it ate within the past few hours.  The bright green coloration could have been the color of the food the bird last ate.  Watery droppings could indicate a problem, but could also simply indicate the bird was thirsty and drank a lot!  No substance to a dropping (only water) could indicate the bird hasn't eaten lately.  Since you state the bird seems to be acting normal now, perhaps it was stressed out at first due to being on the loose.  It's major trauma to a bird that has been a pet in a home to being free outside.  Once at least 30 days quarantine has passed and the bird appears to be doing fine, then you can introduce it into your collection.  I hope your new lovebird comes through OK.  If I haven't answered your questions sufficiently or you have new questions, please let me know.
