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He as gone mean

23 9:34:13

Followup To
Question -

Hello again,I tried all the stuff on those websites but none of it worked and it is not because of her agresion because she is 20 years old and i can't let her out of her cage because her wings haven't been clipped in a long time and she flys all over the house maybe i should get her some toys... i don't know,PLESE help me

Hi,My parrot is a Blue front Amazon,and wonse we moved from CA to CO she went realy mean and she never lets any of us touch how can we fix that?
Answer -
Blue Front Amazons (if sexually mature- 4 to 6 years-) get very hormonal this time of year.

However, if you think her aggression might be caused by something else, please purchase The Beak Book (available at: or This book is written by a great parrot behavioralist and it is ONLY about biting and aggressive behavior in parrots. (How to identify the problem, how to correct the behavior, etc...)

Here are some online (free) articles that should also help you better understand your amazon:

I hope this all helps! :)


Hello again,

Change for a bird this stressed/aggressive will take months. It will not happen over night.

The first step would be to make sure you are properly caring for your amazon. Does you amazon have any toys? If not- she needs some ASAP! Here are some articles about basic care to make sure she is getting all her mental and physical/nutritional needs met: (this is an excellent article written by an avian vet). (an excellent article about how toys, attention and other birds can change a captive parrot's behavior for the better... it is based on research done through the University of California at Davis).

The Second Step would be to have an avian vet look at your bird (do an exam) to make sure your bird is healthy and have your bird's wings trimmed.

From your second e-mail I am under the impression that your Amazon was never tame with you (from your first e-mail I couldn't figure out if she had always been aggressive and it go worse when you moved... or if she used to be tame and became aggressive after the move). I would recommend for the Third Step is to contact a parrot behavioralist so that she/he can help you better understand your bird and take you step by step through her taming process.

Here is a link with names/information for various parrot behavioralists:

I hope this helps.
