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handfeeding a baby lovebird

23 9:27:46

hello, my name is Junior, my mom has about 50 different types of birds. Yesterday, one of the lovebirds baby fail from the nest, so i pick it up. So, my question are, how many times do i have to feed it, how warm does he has to be, how much food do i feed it? i been researching and I can to the conclusion that he is about 5 to 10 days.

Hi, Junior.  Thanks for posting!

Why don't you just put the baby back in the nest with it's parents and siblings?  If you can't do this for some reason, please visit the websites below for information on how you will have to care for this baby:

If your mom has lots of different types of birds, she should be able to help you through this with her knowledge.

Come back with any questions.
