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hi,i have just gotten a...

23 9:32:32

i have just gotten a lovebird and i cant get him to trust me i had him for a week and still wont step up or take food from me i tried everything i dont know what to do he lets me rub is belly but if i go near his feet or beak or head or wings he makes this loud skrieking sound and flies to the other side of the cage or he tries to bite me! also when i get him out of the cage he flies away and gets mean and will bite me when i go to get him to put him back in the cage! i dont know what to do and i am starting to loose hope! please help me  

Hello Kayla, I am so sorry to hear this love birds when HandFed and tame make the best pets mine doesnt want to come off of me when I try put him back in his cage!

All hopw is not yet lost however it seesm you are saying his wings are Not clipeed. Take him to a petshop or vet and get them clipped today or tomarrow... as soon as you can they will grow back it will not hurt him adn he will need you to pick him up to take him places. My lovebirds wings are clipped and I plan to keep them that way forever just because of household dangers(opening doors/dogs/places to get lost ect.). Once his wings are clipped this is the easiest way I've gotten non handfed birds to trust me(even if he is handfed if you bought him from a petshop chances are he is "wild" because he wasn't handled.. this happens offen) Take him out of his cage in your hand or in a light dish towel to avoid being bitten take him to a differnet room such as a quite bathroom be sure to close the tolite seat! Place him on yuor finger and have a chat with him, stroke him if he flys off just put him back on your finger, I have successfully tamed a parent raised budgie and parent raised cockatiel within 1 week using this type of training. If you are not intrested in doing this maybe you can return him and find a handfed newly weaned freindly baby like mine. Good luck if you need further help feel free to ask.