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goffin cockatoo

22 17:36:58

Should I be concerned for the health of my 87 year old mother, due to the powder from a cockatoo which can irritate humans who are prone to allergies. Or for whatever disease or irritations these birds may be capable of passing to humans.

She is staying with my sister who just purchased this beautiful Goffing cockatoo... My concern is the bird and its cage sits directly behind my mothers chair where she spends most of her time.  

Cockatoo's and cockatiel's are two of the most "dusty" exotic bird species, so people with pet allergies should NOT choose these two species. So the whether or not you should be concerned for your mother really depends on if she is allergic to exotic birds. If she isn't chances are relatively low of her becoming so. An ionizing air purifier is probably a good idea though.  I keep run one running in the bird room pretty much all the time, it really helps keep the dander from building up.

As for disease, exotic bird can pass a couple of disease's to people. However it is very rare, and as long as you are taking care of them properly it is even rarer. All you to do to keep yourself and your mother safe from illness, is keep the cage clean and have your veterinarian visit's up to date. If you do those two things you don't really have anything to worry about.
