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My zebra finches have 5 eggs in the nest, what do I feed them

23 9:28:57

I have zebra finches that were given to me. They now have laid 5 eggs in the nest.
what is the proper thing to feed? I have a book and it says something about rearing food. I went to the pet store and they had no idea what that was. Do I need to give them anything special other than their seeds?
Thanks, Alyce

Hello and thank you for your question, Try giving fruita nd vegetables daily make sure there finely chopped as its easier for the finches to eat this way. You can get rearing foods from petshops or breeding foods, They are normaly a powdery typed food someitmes with seeds included in the place this over top of yuor finches food or offer it in another food cup. A cuttle bone and mineral block are what required at this time be sure you have one of each or you can get the combined ones now avalible.