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still recouping ???

23 9:28:57

Thank you for your help yesterday.  "Larry Bird" is still not acting normal (ladder hook incident). He doesnt seem to want to eat.  He hasnt made a sound since the incident yesterday.  Puffed up and sick acting.  I've contacted several vets no one seems to know anything on birds.  Or know who I should call.  Our local vet said he could give him a b-12 shot.  Should I take him in.  I feel helpless!

Hi again, Karrie.  I'm sorry to hear your tiel seems to be getting worse instead of better.

You didn't find a local bird vet from the website I passed to you yesterday?  Even if you could find a bird vet in another city close, they might be able to refer you to someone locally.  Also, a cat/dog vet might be able to refer you to a local avian vet.  Check local telephone book and/or newspapers for parrot breeders in your area for a referral.  What about emergency animal clinics?  

It wouldn't hurt to have your tiel looked at by a vet, but it should be a vet that treats/is knowledgeable about birds.  I don't know what a vitamin B-12 shot would do except give him energy and help with production of red blood cells.  You should ask this vet what benefit the B-12 shot would have for your bird.  Bottom line is finding out if any damage was done yesterday and treating any damage that was done...not putting a "bandaid over the sore."  

Have you looked your bird over very carefully to see if you can find any damage yourself?  Even a cat/dog vet might be able to help out some, but I'd be very careful about this if I were you.  Some cat/dog vets can be helpful, some won't be, depending if they have any experience with birds.  Regular cat/dog vets get only a few hours of training in school related to birds.  However, some cat/dog vets get experience with birds because of where they are located.  You'll have to judge this part for yourself.  

Be aware that just taking your bird to the vet is going to be stressful for him.  Is Larry Bird well enough at this point to go for the car ride?
