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Hurt wing on pigeon

22 17:59:00

I found a pigeon, it looks like it got shot with a bee bee gun. It can't fly I have iyt in a cage in front of my house. I don't want to call animal control as I know they will Euthanize it. Can you tell me how to help him/her to heal faster? Shall I wrap it? Please help!  

Hello Nathalie.  Thank you for your post.
Start by keeping the bird calm and warm, then take it into a Certified Avian Vet.  It may be possible for the wing to be repaired.  If there aren't any broken bones in the wing, then the vet may be able to remove the BB and reattach the damaged tissue.
Animal Control may not euthenise the pigeon, they may send it for rehabilitation.  Give them a call and ask if they would euthenise the bird.
Pigeons can make pretty good pets.  I had one that was found in the dessert with a compound fracture in it's wing.  This bird went everywhere with me, and we had a pretty strong bond.  Although he was not able to fly, he was a great pet.  I had him for almost 10 years.

If I can help you any further, please let me know.

Good luck and God Bless.