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sheathed feathers

22 17:48:52

I've noticed spikes poking out between feathers on my cockatiel's head. I've read through some web sites and think it's "misshapen feathers" ? She also loves her head scratched and these misshapen feathers are all around where we scratch her head? Need some advice I'm not sure if we're causing this by scratching her head...

Hello Cheri and thank you for your post.
These are not misshapen feathers, however, they are new feathers that are growing in.  The "sheath" that you are seeing is a protection for the feathers as they are growing in, and will break apart and fall off when the feathers are grown in enough.  You can continue to scratch your bird's head.  These sheaths are itchy, and the scratching feels good to your bird.

Good luck and God Bless.