Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > baby dove

baby dove

22 17:33:44

A baby dove has fallen out of the nest.  What can we do to help it live?


If you are located in the United States then it is against federal law for you to keep any native wild bird as a pet. Most likely what you have found is a fledgling dove. This is a time when they come out of the nest. During this time they learn from their parents how to find food, water, shelter, and avoid predators.

If the dove is injured then you need to find a licensed rehabber to take it to. Otherwise please put the bird back where you found it so it's parents can continue to raise it. If you are interested in a pet bird then I recommend you first research a species that will fit well with your family and lifestyle and learn about it's proper care before getting a bird. There are plenty of pet birds looking for homes (including dove species) that you don't need to remove one from the wild.

Here is a link if you need to find a wildlife center:

And here is more information about fledglings:

Thank you have a great day