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baby alexander parakeet

22 17:33:44

Hi there,

I purchased my baby minnie(1 1/2 months alexander parakeet)a couple of days back...she used to eat pretty well the first two days but now she is refusing to eat and is always cuddled up in a corner and when ever i try to feed it it makes a heart breaking noise like its crying...i dont know what to do....PLEASE HELP...

Hi there,

Thanks for your question.

The parakeet could be in distress. I suggest you bring her to the vet immediately to prevent her from becoming I'll. Since she has not been eating something could be wrong with her and that's why a vet needs to help. Your vet will provide you with any antibiotics or medicine the bird will need. Remember if your bird doesn't eat for a while she could become even sicker.

Hope this helps and thanks for your question.
