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My lovebird

22 17:50:43

I've had my lovebird for about a year now. Recently he became violent everytime I let him out of the cage. I assumed it was all of the noise in my house so I gave him a quieter environment. Well tonight my husband pointed to something in the cage. It was an egg. And there was also a broken one on the ground of the cage. It was a suprise to find out my he was actually a she! I guess my question is how does a bird that has been alone for over a year lay eggs? Is it a baby chick? And if it is how in the world did she get pregnant????

No worries she isnt pregannt with Fertile eggs only if she'd been with a male lovebird for some time a few weeks ago could teh eggs be possibly fertile, Female birds lay eggs when they are ignored/bored or just want a family...even thou these eggs would never hatch anyways. Try get her out of the cage more offen and give a varied diet/lots of toys swiched around every few days and maybe she will stop as laying eggs for no reason can be harmful for her health, or come you haev no time for her you could get a male lovie for her.