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Question on ideal parrot for kids

23 9:27:55

Hello, I was hoping you could point me in the right direction. I'm looking to purchase a friendly, playfull, not too noisy bird. I have heard that my options range from Senegals to Pionus to Quakers. I'm not sure which to choose. I have two boys that are 8, they love pets so they are gentle yet very active. We want the bird to be able to be out of his cage and interact with us. What do you suggest?

Hello Angela and thank you for your post.

If you want a bird that may learn to talk, then a Quaker is what you're looking for.  While any kind of parrot is going to be noisy, a Quaker Parrot is a very playful, intelligent bird.  I have had 2 of them come into my house, and I've enjoyed them both very much.  We would sit and play for hours on end, and interact with each other constantly.  They ca learn to mimic different sounds pretty quickly, and if raised right they can be very gentle birds.
No matter what kind of bird that you decide to get, you'll enjoy the antics that it will come up with.  I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide.

Good luck and God Bless.