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Hello! I have a 2 years old...

23 9:33:07

Hello! I have a 2 years old conure her name is Pollie. I adopt her from a previous owner that never took out from the cage and if I understood well the only contact with human was to bother the poor bird. I want to train Pollie but she doesn't want to get out from the cage when I close to the cage. And of course she wants to bites all the time. Can I take out Pollie from the cage for the training (she never wants to get out from the cage) and which one is the better way to take her out of the cage.  Thanks in advance!  


First off... THANK YOU for helping to rescue this bird. Once Pollie is coaxed away from his fear, he will be a much, much happier bird thanks to you.  However, it will take time and understanding on your part.

Here are some articles about taming down and working with rescued parrots:

Read over this articles and hear the examples of successful rescue stories. You might decide that you want to approach the taming of Pollie differently (from forcing him out of the cage).  However, if you do decide to remove him from the cage, wrapping him in a towel is usually the method most people use. Or you can try getting him to step up onto a hand-held perch. Some birds are affraid of hands, but not a branch (this method is also called "stick training" sometimes). I hope this helps.
