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Cockatiel air sac

22 17:47:20

  I have looked at many pictures on what ruptured air sacs look like at the fits perfectly the description of what my 16 year old cockatiel has on his neck.  I always hear "take your bird to the vet" but he is too old for that, I don't wish to stress him, nor do I have that kind of money.  Anyways, I have read in many places that with a ruptured air sac you should poke it with a sterile needle and give antibiotics, is this accurate?  And what will happen if I let his bubble things get bigger?  And what kind of antibiotics should I give him?  Thank you!

Hello Kristine and thank you for your post.
I don't know where you got the idea that your bird is too old to be seen by a vet.  He should be seen by a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet right away.
Only a vet can tell you how to treat this and give you the correct antibiodics.

Good luck and God Bless.