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red cheeked cordon blue finches

23 9:34:47


Are red cheecked cordon blue finches easy to breed? Will they breed in a cage? Do they need live food when breeding? How old do they have to be to be able to sex them?

Some pairs of cordon bleus are easy to breed, but as a group they're not among the easiest.  Some will breed in cages, but most require large flights or aviaries, preferably planted to provide cover and make them feel secure.  The smallest I would try would be a cage 3' long, with plenty of shelter (live plants or even fake ones work).  Really they do best in flight cages several feet longer or in walk-in aviaries.  They will live happily with other peaceful finches in group settings, but just don't do that well in cages.  They do require live food for breeding, too.

They can be sexed after their first molt, usually by the time they're 4 months old.

- Lara