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harrased budgie.

23 9:33:44

i have a male and female budgie in a large cage at home.They have always got on well until about a week ago. My male is constantly harrasing my female so i have moved him to another cage, everytime i put him back he does the same thing again.He has loads of toys and attention so is there anything i can do to distract him and give her a break. would another budgie help?

Hi, Coral.  Thanks for posting your question/concern.

Sounds to me like the male budgie really likes the female!  I think what you are seeing is a bonded pair of budgies who might be on the verge of mating.  Do they preen and feed each other?  Do you have a nestbox set up or anything inside the cage that might resemble a nesting area?  What you have described is a male who is "telling" his mate that it is time to start a family.  Unless the male is hurting the female, I would leave them alone and let them do their thing.  However, keep an eye on them just in case.  Usually, a female budgie will hurt/kill another female or male, but I've never seen a male hurt/kill a female, particularly a mate.

I would not introduce a third budgie.  This is asking for trouble if you would add s/he in with the other pair.
