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number of hours of sleep per day and most common species as a pet

23 9:34:17

Dear Maggie,
I am writing a book and need to know how many hours of sleep per day parakeets need. I also need to know which species of parakeet is the most cammonly uased as a pet.
Cordially, Scott

Hi Scott,

first off... I don't think you can use a random person you haven't met on internet to quote in your book (as flattered as I am though). I don't have the statistics to tell you which parakeet species is most common. (I would assume you would mean that the budgie... which is commonly refered to as a "parakeet" and is the most popular pet bird there is). But I'm not exactly sure.

As far as how many hours of sleep- my vet recommends roughly about 10 hours of sleep for all birds.

I hope this helps. You might want to quote an avian vet though, instead of someone from internet. That would give your book more credibility. ...Anyone can sign up to be "an expert" on
