Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Ava


22 17:48:22

QUESTION: I bought a little lovebird a couple months ago to keep my peach face happy (she is a peach face too but younger) and then bought a pair of yellow lovebirds. everyday I would let them run around my room for hours. Today I noticed both her feet are blood red and I know the other birds have been picking at her. Their cage is large enough (5ftx4ft) and use the other cage for my cockatiel.
What can I do to save poor little Ava? She is such a sweet heart compared to the others. Do I keep her in the large cage with the mean ones or can she go with my equally sweethearted cockatiel? I don't have supplies to run there cages and can't buy another anyway, she needs companionship but I can't buy her another lovebird due to the expenses.

ANSWER: Hello, they can NEVER be housed together again I had a simaler occerance with my two lutino peachfaced lovebirds they were attacked by three other peachfacxed lvoebirds who they lived with for weeks peacefully i remove the lutinos  and got rid of the other three(sold them) I couldnt bare to see them everyday anymore after they mauled my lutinos. The lovebird will pick at the cockatiels feety and feathers and get it bloody they can not live together either, take a look at locle online ads and newspapers and thrift shops chances are you can find another cage for very cheap. Also if they are all let out daily they can no longer be let out in the same room as Ava for her safety. She needs no other lovebird as long as she can hear and maybe even see the other birds and you are playing with her for a few minutes daily and letting her out she is Fine without another lovebird.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have her in a seperate cage beside the large cage so she can still see and hear them but they can't hurt her. I also took out the main problem, my other peach peach face, Peaches and put him in a cage beside hers in hope that he will become a nice little boy again like he used to be before I accidentally bought two mean birds (which are no longer in my house).
Will my little boy turn to be nice again or will he be mean for the rest of his life? If he can be turned nice again, how do I do it? Am I doing the right thing by seperating him? I would hate to lose him.

Hello, it is possible peaches may be nice again with some training...but he may have been with the other birds too long and may have fully reverted back to being a wild lovebird and might not be able to be the same way again. If you cann take him out everyday and offer lots of good treats and favorite toys from hand he might start to take to you again. Since the two are living in there own cages by themselfs they need big cages with lots fo intresting toys also they still need to be let out everyday but if they will fight they must be let out in different rooms or at different times. If you work with peaches a bit he should become at lest finger and shoulder tame if you arent afraid of being bitten.