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Birds together

23 9:32:24

I have a 6 yr old budgie and someone wants to give me a  green parrolet 6 months old bird who bites. Can they be in the same cage or will they fight and kill each other.

Hi, Alex.  Thanks for posting.

I can't answer your question with any certainty because their behavior depends on the personality of each individual bird.  The biting parrotlet may bite humans for any number of reasons, but may not be as aggressive toward another bird, even if the bird is not the same species.  Birds prefer other birds to humans, therefore, they might get along just fine with each other.  However, no one can guarantee to you that they will get along.  In addition, the older budgie will know the parrotlet is young and s/he may take the parrotlet under it's wings, so to speak.  Then again, they could fight with each other.  Parrotlets beaks are larger than a budgie, therefore, the parrotlet could severely injure the budgie.  However, don't underestimate budgies!  Female budgies are ruthless toward other females (and some males), so the older budgie could have the upper hand if a good fight would break out.  And, there is always the possibility of one bird killing the other, depending on the reason for the fight.  

Here's what I recommend you do if you take the parrotlet.  Place the birds in separate cages next to each other.  Let them get used to each other gradually through the cage wire.  When you feel they might be civil toward one another, open each cage door, and let the birds come out on their own.  This is presuming you allow your budgie out of it's cage.  Supervise them and see how they get along with each other.  They may not particularly like each other at first (or they may)...just give it some time.  They may need time to see what the other is about first!  If you eventually see that they get along OK, put them together in a preferably neutral cage or one of the cages you have.  Still continue to monitor them when they are in the same cage for signs of one picking on the other.


You can put them together from the get-go and see what happens!  I don't advise this method, but sometimes it works out OK.  Depends on the individual birds!  Just because we might want to put 2 birds together, doesn't mean they will automatically get along...they are no different than humans in this regard.
